Myths Magic And Mysteries

In the second term all the year three’s had a celebration. After the celebration we all changed our topic from Spinning In Space to Myths Magic And Mysteries.

First we learned myths and Mythical creatures.Then we did Mysteries things that haven’t ever been seen in thousands of  years.  On the last term  we did a magic show and we did really well.THE END!

Our Garden Bed

On Thursday the 25th of October room 6 went outside our classroom and right around the corner there was a garden bed right in front of us. We all got a chance to plant a plant. Then Mrs Veary chose two  people to water the plants.When they were finished they had to catch up with the group.

After that we went inside the kitchen garden and met Susue who runs the kitchen garden.She told us to circle around the table then she told us to wait there. While we were waiting we made a racketing noise.A little while later she returned with a bowl of fresh veggies from the garden that the school had grown without any chemicals being involved.Then Keale and Roan had to hold cauliflower and get a photo taken.                THE END!

My Own Mythical Creature

At school in our maths group we rotate around the room while we are doing different activities in each session. In one of the sessions  we go to the teacher on the conundrum table and we do maths using times and division. The next day we finished  the last two activities. One of them is creating our own mythical creature and the other one is going onto study ladder using the computer. In creating our own mythical creature you have to choose three different animal body types. I chose a woman’s  head, a horses body and bird’s wings. My creature can freeze people and you can only see it when poison ivy is near. My creature lives in a cave next to a mountain called Mount Everest which is the highest mountain in the world. My creature also eats bark off trees. The name of my mythical creature is Sapphire.


My awesome family

I have an awesome family. Their names are Erica, my mum, Brett, my dad, my two older brothers, Aiden and Sam, and me! I have lots of pets including my dog Vader, my three cats Ashes, Crackers and Arby and five chooks. I love doing things with my family like going rollerblading, going out to dinner, helping them tidy up the house, jumping on the trampoline, walking the dog and going shopping for toys for our pets.  My family does everything for me. They cook me dinner, wash my clothes, drive me to school, buy me things, play with me, help me with my homework, keep me warm and love me.  I would be miserable without my family.  When I am bored I play with my pets and kick the footy in the backyard with my brothers.  I love my family very much.


Life in Space

alien face

On one sunny morning I woke up and I realised that I was floating in space.I was  so scared that I fainted. Hours and hours past and I was still floating. By the time I woke up I was on Saturn. While I was floating I saw a device crawling around. I rubbed my eyes and looked again. It was an alien. I asked him if I could live with him but he said no. When I was  just giving up hope I saw another alien . I asked her and she said yes! We all lived happily ever after…

in space.


























life in space

On one sunny morning I woke up and I realised that I was floating in space.I was  so scared that I fainted. Hours and hours past and I was still floating. By the time I woke up I was on Saturn. While I was floating I saw a device crawling around. I rubbed my eyes and looked again. It was an alien. I asked him if I could live with him but he said no. When I was  just giving up hope I saw another alien . I asked her and she said yes! We all lived happily ever after…

in space.




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